How To Help Save The Rainforests

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The world’s remaining rainforests are fast disappearing. While many conservation efforts are ongoing to address this sad situation, there are many ways, no matter how small and seemingly mundane, ordinary folks can help. The world needs to work together to ensure that the next generations will have a healthy environment to witness and live in. 

One way to help is to relay to as many people the importance of saving rainforests. This cannot be done in a vacuum; everyone need share the immediacy of the problem to their families, peers, and acquaintances. Encourage them to live an environment-friendly lifestyle. 

Secondly, everybody should do their part in planting trees to restore damaged ecosystems. Supporting parks that protect both the rainforests and the dwindling wildlife is a must. Alongside this is catering to organizations, companies, and brands that are committed to minimizing damage to the environment. 

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Another way is not to endorse nor buy products that are not sourced responsibly and don’t insist on sustainable alternatives. For example, palm oil is found in half of all processed foods in the U.S., a key contributor to rainforest deforestation. Read your food and product labels carefully and refuse to buy products that further endanger the rainforests. 

Finance and investment expert Gregory Lindae co-owns Bunda Bunderra Wildlife Nature Reserve in Queensland, Australia. The reservation advocates for the conservation of cassowaries and the UNESCO World Heritage Rainforest in the area. More on Gregory’s advocacies here.
